Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ghostbusters: The Video Game is coming!

Alrighty, so the 25th anniversary of the first Ghostbusters is coming up on June 16. If you were not aware there is a new sequel of sorts in the form of a new game coming out on just about all the systems you can think. There is also going to be release of the film on blu ray. I don't know about you but when I was a kid, I was a huge fan of the movies growing up. I remember there being this kid on my block that had the full proton pack and the ghost traps as a toy and I was so jealous he had one ¬_¬ Anyway here are a few screen shots and some concept art for the new game. I, for one, cannot wait. It'll be like taking a pleasant stroll down memory lane.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Artwork

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I don't update this as often as I should 06/07/09

So, been busy working this week. I'm sort of dreading installing this new door on Tuesday but it must be done! Looking forward to my days off this week so I can get this door project done and spend some time with the family.

In other news...

Finally made it through Caprici Di Diablo in Rock Band:

The song is by this guy:

Yes, yes, his guitar is on fire. That's how awesome he is. The song is extremely difficult and I had been trying for, literally, months to get through it on hard. I felt all accomplished until I found this video on youtube:

All I can say is FAIL for now but will perfect it eventually. Since we are on the topic of Rock Band, Nette and I are excited about the Beatles Rock Band game coming out in the fall. They better have Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds or I am going to be pissed.

- Shin out