Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ghostbusters: The Video Game is coming!

Alrighty, so the 25th anniversary of the first Ghostbusters is coming up on June 16. If you were not aware there is a new sequel of sorts in the form of a new game coming out on just about all the systems you can think. There is also going to be release of the film on blu ray. I don't know about you but when I was a kid, I was a huge fan of the movies growing up. I remember there being this kid on my block that had the full proton pack and the ghost traps as a toy and I was so jealous he had one ¬_¬ Anyway here are a few screen shots and some concept art for the new game. I, for one, cannot wait. It'll be like taking a pleasant stroll down memory lane.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Artwork

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I don't update this as often as I should 06/07/09

So, been busy working this week. I'm sort of dreading installing this new door on Tuesday but it must be done! Looking forward to my days off this week so I can get this door project done and spend some time with the family.

In other news...

Finally made it through Caprici Di Diablo in Rock Band:

The song is by this guy:

Yes, yes, his guitar is on fire. That's how awesome he is. The song is extremely difficult and I had been trying for, literally, months to get through it on hard. I felt all accomplished until I found this video on youtube:

All I can say is FAIL for now but will perfect it eventually. Since we are on the topic of Rock Band, Nette and I are excited about the Beatles Rock Band game coming out in the fall. They better have Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds or I am going to be pissed.

- Shin out

Saturday, May 16, 2009

NIN/JA concert 05/15/09

My lovely wife managed to fanangle us some concert tickets for this show, which I did not think we would make. Make it we did...sort of. We got a four pack of lawn seats and took my friend Jon and Jack. This was a birthday gift for him and we had an extra ticket so I asked Jack as he appreciates the band as we do. We got there a little late, unfortunately and got stuck waiting in the wrong line for 40 minutes to pick up our tickets...all the while NIN started there set! We missed a good portion of there show but when we got in he started playing Fragile and it was definitly worth it, even though we had to listen to Reptile and March of the Pigs in line waiting to get in. After NIN, Janes Addiction came on. I'm not a huge fan of them but they put on a really good show and did there classic songs everyone knows. It was a lot of fun, all in all, and I hope I can have another chance to see them again soon.

**Update Here is the set lists for both bands. Songs in bold are what we missed waiting in line.


Nine Inch Nails
1. "Home"
2. "1,000,000"
3. "Heresy"
4. "March of the Pigs"
5. "Something I Can Never Have."
6. "Reptile"
7. "Last"
8. "Survivalism"
9. "Mr. Self-Destruct"
10. "Banged and Blown Through"
11. "The Fragile"
12. "The Downward Spiral"
13. "Wish"
14. "Suck"
15. "Dead Souls"
16. "Down In It"
17. "Head Like a Hole"
18. "Hurt"

Jane's Addiction
1. "Three Days"
2. "Whores"
3. "Pigs in Zen"
4. "Ain't No Right"
5. "Then She Did..."
6. "Mountain Song"
7. "1%"
8. "Been Caught Stealing"
9. "Ted, Just Admit It..."
10. "Ocean Size"
11. "Summertime Rolls" (encore)
12. "Stop" (encore)
13. "Jane Says" (encore)

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ok. Yes. I'm aware I've not updated anything in awhile. Been busy slacking. Birthday is coming up. Feeling really fucking old. 28 ughhh. Got my b-day present early. Nette let me go take advantage of that best buy sale that is going on RIGHT NOW. Xbox360, PS3 and Wii (as well as DS) games are 9.99 and if you buy three you get a fourth one free. I purchased Lost Planet, Rock Band 1, Overlord: Raising Hell and Hellboy: Science of Evil. I always wanted to play Lost Planet but never got around to it. Rock Band 1 added all the song's I enjoyed but didn't have. Overlord is kind of neat and I don't know about Hellboy but it was FREE!

Onto the children. Kids are fantastic. Anna is starting into that tween phase of where she's not a little kid and she's not a teen either. It's really weird because I've always viewed my children as my lil babies but they are growing up! Trent is just a little hellion but in a good way. He's not bad by any means but he definitly gets into more trouble then I like. I have to repair the thermostat in the house as he has dismounted it, trying to enact some scene from Spiderman, climbing the walls. Aeris is my little baby. I'm super excited for Tuesday because her and I are going to take a Little Bear nap, something we having done in awhile. I put on an episode of Little Bear and go into a coma and she takes a nap with me. Fun fun fun.

Not much else to report at the moment.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Yar, started this blog =D

I will update this some proper tomorrow but this is my personal blog. Will probably start something that is for the family and will update stuff in regards to the children so uhh this blog is mine, there are others that look like this one but this one is mine!