Thursday, April 28, 2011

Life. What is this that we live? I will have been alive for 30 years in a few hours. Studying astronomy this semester has made me realize how insignificant we really are in the grand picture. Thirty years is nothing! The sun, is not even half way through its life yet, less than 5 billion years. Think about that for a moment. How can we measure our place in this universe we live in? The vastness of space, cold, impossibly huge, ever expanding, how can I fit in this with any measure of importance. By the human standard and the environment to which I occupy, I see nothing but sheep, people going about their ways with no apparent consideration for the sheer insignificance when compared to the vastness of the universe. I wonder what this all means some times. I wish I had a better understanding of who I am and what, if any, part I play. Presently things are incredibly difficult and I don't know how to deal with them. I feel like that sometimes it shouldn't matter because if you really look at it, I am composed of carbon and water, a common element that is in abundance among space. What am I, what significance can I possibly bring to anything? I wonder if this life I have been given is for naught. From an animal perspective I have propagated and produce wonderful children who continue to amaze me. I don't know any more. Children aside, I am unhappy. Do I even have the luxury of being unhappy? I live in a house, I have food, I have entertainment, what does it all mean? What does this life mean?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New PC

I built this new system Thursday night. Rally pleased with how everything turned out.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Where've you been? Busy :(

Not sure if anyone is waiting with bated breath on updates, (passive aggressive I know). I have much to say but am so tired for some reason. I am taking a crack at a much healthier lifestyle. Working out 6 days a week, twice a day. In addition, quit smoking and gave up all the unhealthy shit that surrounds us in this American culture. In short, I feel good. Things seem to be improving weight wise but there are things that are still lack, particularly in my mind.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's Tuesday :D

So I have a few things I'd like to share. I was lucky enough to get an invite to the Starcraft 2 beta which is unexpected but much appreciated. I have the game installed and I spent all of five minutes with it. I'll do a proper review of sorts and get some screen shots to share. It's hard to juggle this hobby of sorts amidst school, work (god I hate my job) and my family. I was able to finish Mass Effect 2 last night. I enjoyed it quite much! I really think its a great piece of science fiction. Now that I am finished with that, I plan to start Heavy Rain. I had the chance to spend about an hour or so with it this afternoon. I find it hard to call it a game because of what the game is trying to do. It isn't so much an action game but more of an interactive narrative. This may sound kind of boring but in actuality its quite engaging. There is an interesting story concerning a serial killer who leaves origami figures with each of his victims. The game is broken up into chapters. Each chapter you control a different protagonist and a portion of the story is told. I imagine all characters will interweave in some form. I don't want to go into too much detail without spoiling the game. This game is depressing. The first chapter attempts to lull you into feeling safe and comfortable. Do not be deceived! The story quickly makes you feel anxious, sad and confused. A mention needs to go to the visuals. The graphics are amazing. For PS3 there is nothing that looks as good as Heavy Rain. The amount of detail is staggering. In one section you find yourself in a convenience store.

Walk down the aisles and you will see. Snacks, junk food, medicine, all rendered with amazing detail and that is just one example of the environment. The people and characters themselves are also noteworthy. Each chapter starts with a close up of who you will be working with. The detail and rendering is amazing.

More to come!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty Beta!!

Unbelievable! I actually got invited to the SC2 beta. Sucks that I'm here at work with half a shift left to go. Oh well. I will update with screen shots asap.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ghostbusters: The Video Game is coming!

Alrighty, so the 25th anniversary of the first Ghostbusters is coming up on June 16. If you were not aware there is a new sequel of sorts in the form of a new game coming out on just about all the systems you can think. There is also going to be release of the film on blu ray. I don't know about you but when I was a kid, I was a huge fan of the movies growing up. I remember there being this kid on my block that had the full proton pack and the ghost traps as a toy and I was so jealous he had one ¬_¬ Anyway here are a few screen shots and some concept art for the new game. I, for one, cannot wait. It'll be like taking a pleasant stroll down memory lane.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Artwork

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Screenshot

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I don't update this as often as I should 06/07/09

So, been busy working this week. I'm sort of dreading installing this new door on Tuesday but it must be done! Looking forward to my days off this week so I can get this door project done and spend some time with the family.

In other news...

Finally made it through Caprici Di Diablo in Rock Band:

The song is by this guy:

Yes, yes, his guitar is on fire. That's how awesome he is. The song is extremely difficult and I had been trying for, literally, months to get through it on hard. I felt all accomplished until I found this video on youtube:

All I can say is FAIL for now but will perfect it eventually. Since we are on the topic of Rock Band, Nette and I are excited about the Beatles Rock Band game coming out in the fall. They better have Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds or I am going to be pissed.

- Shin out