Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ok. Yes. I'm aware I've not updated anything in awhile. Been busy slacking. Birthday is coming up. Feeling really fucking old. 28 ughhh. Got my b-day present early. Nette let me go take advantage of that best buy sale that is going on RIGHT NOW. Xbox360, PS3 and Wii (as well as DS) games are 9.99 and if you buy three you get a fourth one free. I purchased Lost Planet, Rock Band 1, Overlord: Raising Hell and Hellboy: Science of Evil. I always wanted to play Lost Planet but never got around to it. Rock Band 1 added all the song's I enjoyed but didn't have. Overlord is kind of neat and I don't know about Hellboy but it was FREE!

Onto the children. Kids are fantastic. Anna is starting into that tween phase of where she's not a little kid and she's not a teen either. It's really weird because I've always viewed my children as my lil babies but they are growing up! Trent is just a little hellion but in a good way. He's not bad by any means but he definitly gets into more trouble then I like. I have to repair the thermostat in the house as he has dismounted it, trying to enact some scene from Spiderman, climbing the walls. Aeris is my little baby. I'm super excited for Tuesday because her and I are going to take a Little Bear nap, something we having done in awhile. I put on an episode of Little Bear and go into a coma and she takes a nap with me. Fun fun fun.

Not much else to report at the moment.